Monday, August 24, 2020
Women in The Workplace Essay -- Work Gender Females Essays
Ladies in The Workplace Sexual orientation assumes a colossal job in working environment 'achievement' and can be a major test particularly if the representative is a lady in a male overwhelmed working environment or vocation. Regardless of how 'obstinate,' 'merciless,' 'compulsive worker' a lady might be, or how much close to home achievement she accomplishes, there will consistently will in general be some kind of obstruction to shield her from getting totally to the highest point of the company pecking order. She should likewise still battle generalizations that subverts her certainty or limits her latent capacity. Since the mid twentieth century, ladies and minorities have looked for equivalent open doors in training and in the work power with little achievement. These hindrances or obstructions are totally known as the discriminatory constraint. When talking about the unreasonable impediment, a reference is being made to an imperceptible, fake hindrance that keeps qualified people from progressing inside their association and arriving at maximum capacity. The unattainable rank depicts the point past when ladies directors and administrators are not advanced. These obstructions result from institutional and mental practices. The unattainable rank exists and is clear in three distinct levels. These levels are: Apprenticeship, The Pipeline and Alice in Wonderland. Despite the fact that few out of every odd association has each of the three levels, one level could at times be progressively transcendent in one piece of an association and not in another. Apprenticeship Ladies in the United States have been conceded into apprenticeship programs in huge numbers, for such a large number of years, that it is apparently simple for young ladies to accept and for the board to attest that segregation is out of date, and that the biased based impediment is either a fantasy or a subject that will automatical... ..., A. (1996, March). ?Biased based impediment Red Flags.? 2. Constable, P. (1995, October). ?A Glass Ceiling of Misperceptions.? 3. Creator Unknown (1997). ?The Three Levels of the Glass Ceiling: Sorcerer?s Apprentice to through the Looking Glass.? Dataline, Inc. 4. Creator Unknown. (1997, January). ?Biased based impediment rises, however stays flawless.? Business First. 5. Mill operator, L. (1997, June). ?Ladies are making it their business to excel.? Network Newspaper Company. 6. Creator Unknown. (1997, February). ?Getting Through.? Business Week Archives. 7. Creator Unknown. Web news story 8. Creator obscure. Web news story.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Stock Market Crash free essay sample
There are a few factors that caused this accident however the principle reason was the incomparable home loan emergency. The stock trade is a basic framework to grasp and was set up hundreds of years prior. The historical backdrop of the stock trade goes back to 1 790 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This would be the first run through exchanging stocks was done in a composed manner rather than at irregular like it was done earlier. This area considered effective for a long time before it was moved to its changeless area on Wall Street in New York City. The securities exchange stayed effective until it smashed on Black Tuesday in 1929.This accident brought about the loss of billions of dollars and denoted the start of the extraordinary misery. The extraordinary misery would keep going for around ten years and put Americas economy in the most noticeably terrible shape it has even been . During this period, Stocks would drop to record lows, half of the American banks would die, and the joblessness rates would soar. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Stock Market Crash or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The Depression would at long last subside after World War II. The following accident would not happen for quite a long time yet would influence the biggest markets on the globe and would be alluded to as dark Monday. Dark Monday, happened on October 19, 1987.On this day tock would drop 22% and this drop would send the worldwide economy into a spiral. 19 of the 20 biggest markets all through the world, would all observe at any rate 20% drops. Fortunately, the accident didn't trigger a downturn and would just bring about the misfortune in countless budgetary professions. Nonetheless, the fault of the accident would be pointed at the lawmakers rather then those in the budgetary world. It is hard to comprehend why a securities exchange crashes without a straightforward comprehension of the subject. The securities exchange is a gathering Of organizations that meet a specific models. The organizations are separated into units.These units are then separated and sold as offers; the offers are viewed as part responsibility for organization. Be that as it may, for what reason would an organization sell offers and part with resources? The securities exchange permits organizations to fund themselves without taking out business advances known as obligation financing. Obligation financing brings about enormous intrigue expenses, which is the reason it is alluded as obligation financing. Be that as it may, value financing permits the organizations to offer stocks to take care of the expenses of the organization it likewise permits them to fund their organization hazard free. The two sorts of financing have theirs upsides and downsides, contingent upon ones taxation.With the comprehension of these straightforward points it gets more clear the securities exchange. With small comprehension of the securities exchange, we can even now grasp the purposes for the accident. There where numerous occasions that lead up to the accident of 2008 and everything began with incomparable home loan emergency. A us prime home loan is given to somebody with a low FICO assessment. In 2006, private parts expounded out on 12 million advances worth as much as 2 trillion dollars. These advances were given without the typical guidelines. These guidelines were separated from because of congress needing to give out more moans.Unfortunately, this just worked for a brief timeframe, the greatest number of couldn't bear to take care of their advances with the elevated levels Of intrigue. As these advances were not being paid off, banks were coming up short on cash yet kept on crediting out more cash that they didn't have. This at last caused a colossal money related emergency making a few private loan specialists and banks guarantee insolvency. The emergency caused one of the biggest and most established loan specialists in the nation to petition for financial protection. On September 18, 2008 the Lehman siblings petitioned for financial protection with the biggest case ever. The breakdown of the Lehman siblings would cause a descending winding of the economy and lead to the following breakdown of the securities exchange. The misfortune was pulverizing to our nation as they had existed and prevailing for a considerable length of time. The organization was established in 1 850, and had endure two past Stock market crashes yet shockingly, they would be one of the reasons for the 2008 accident. The breakdown of the Lehman siblings gave the investors a review of what lay ahead. At last, making them sell the offers they had put resources into banks. The plenitude of those selling their offers caused an umber of falls all around the stock market.The abrupt breakdown largy affected different nations too. Influencing nations the whole way across the globe however having its most noteworthy effect on Iceland who nearly went totally bankrupt. The securities exchange crash of 2008 had the whole globe in emergency. Each nation included needed to make sense of an approach to spare themselves from a huge downturn. To get association back in the securities exchange the United States needed to rescue all the banks and enormous organizations to permit them to give credits once more. At last, permitting them to reestablish a parity in our economy. Luckily, we needed to acquire a lot of cash from different nations further expanding our obligations with them. With respect to anticipation, there have been a couple of laws and guidelines included. For one thing, shorting stocks is presently illicit. Shorting a stock is getting cash from a financial specialist and afterward when the stock is dropping or sold not recharging their credit. Another guideline is constraining banks to adhere to their severe guideline when giving out credits. Additionally premium has been brought down significantly all together for new business to extend and develop without a ludicrous measure of debt.While the purposes behind the securities exchange crash in 2008 arent totally pointed one way. The greater part of the proof lies on the incomparable home loan emergency. Without this emergency, the Lehman siblings would have never been bankrupt, organizations wouldnt be in a scramble to get each other out, and investors wouldnt have short sold all their bank shares. At last, if banks adhered to their ordinary guidelines while giving out credits this whole circumstance could have been stayed away from. Which would have spared our nation billions of dollars. References 1. Brian, M. , Ross, D. (n. D. ). How Stocks and the Stock Market Work
Saturday, July 18, 2020
The Best Subreddits for University Students
The Best Subreddits for University Students The Best Student Resources on the Internet The Best Student Resources on the Internet The vast majority of students at postsecondary institutions around the world are likely not fully aware of the range of student resources they have at their disposal, both on and off campus. While it is easy to Google queries and find answers to questions on the fly, crafty students understand that there are a wealth of resources on the internet which can, and should be consulted on a regular basis to make university life more manageable and enjoyable. Chances are, too, that if you are a university student you, like most people, are not immune to spending counterproductively large amounts of time on places like Reddit. Luckily, Reddit is not an inherent waste of time. It’s how you use and browse the site that makes all the difference. Below are some of the best subreddits you can subscribe to if you are a university student. Personal finance One of the biggest knowledge gaps in the world that can heavily dictate individual success, across cultures, is the financial literacy gap. Most people, if they are not completely financially illiterate, don’t really know enough to competently manage their personal finances. It’s not their fault. Most societies fail to make it a priority at either the secondary, or postsecondary level. The financial literacy gap, however, isn’t just a matter of forgone knowledge, it can translate into thousands of dollars for university students. If you are in the process of curating your Reddit home page, consider checking out the personal finance subreddit. Personal finance is subscribed to by over 13.5 million people, and contains troves of knowledge about how to make personal financial decisions, big and small. Many of the people commenting and responding to questions are experienced financial services professionals, or people who have already had to ask and answer the same questions in the past. It is a great resource to check up on daily, or even just when you have a finance question you need answered. Eat cheap and healthy Another great student resource on Reddit is the subreddit “Eat Cheap and Healthy.†Part of academic success comes down to how well you look after your mind and body. You can only push yourself so hard on substandard fuel and sleep before your body starts refusing to cooperate. If you know what you are eating is trash and, furthermore, if you are spending too much money on hollow calories (fast food is actually surprisingly expensive), check out this subreddit for meal tips. It might completely revolutionize how you think about eating and shopping while studying. Many people, especially students, are under the impression that university is about sacrificing your eating and dietary standards for four years for the sake of your education. The old familiar trope of university students eating packaged ramen noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is still a popular one. But you can actually eat quite healthily on a budget if you know how to shop and what to make. This subreddit has great information and tips for doing so, and provides a lot of inspiration. Your school’s main or student resources subreddit Reddit has now become the third most popular website in the United States after Google (number 1, obviously), and YouTube. Reddit has real pop-cultural, political, and social influence, meaning that is has become an important part of most businesses and institutions’ online presence. If you go to a big, well-recognized university, and even at many smaller ones, there is a good chance they have their own reddit page. These are another category of good subreddits for students, and often act as supplementary student resources for people wanting to know what is going on around campus. They often contain threads about deals, or offers to be found on campus that might otherwise be poorly advertised, as well as information about events, rallies, protests etc. that are of consequence to student life on campus. It could also function as a way to meet like-minded people. If you find someone talking about something you find interesting, or are having a conversation with a fellow-student and it is engaging and seems to be going well, you can even send them a private message and ask if they’d like to meet for a coffee, or a beer, etc. Your area of study’s subreddit(2) Another great student resource to be found on reddit are subreddits that have to do with your area of study. The subreddit “Engineering,†for instance has 210,000 subscribers. The “Political Science†subreddit has 10,800 subscribers, the “Philosophy†subreddit has 13.5 million subscribers, and the “Ask History†subreddit has 22,900 subscribers. These are just a few examples of discipline-specific subreddits. These kinds of subs are great places to ask people questions (often scholars, or experts), get pointed in the right direction before you start an essay, or find information and inspiration if you are stuck on a topic. Additionally, there are writing services out there that can help you plan, or edit a paper if you feel it needs some extra love and care. If you don’t already have a profile on Reddit, they are anonymous and free to make, and allow you to interact with millions of people from around the world who are a wealth of new information and inspiration. Reddit is definitely one of the most helpful student resources out there. Whether you use Reddit on a regular basis for news and entertainment, or are completely new to the platform, there are so many great subreddits to add to your list of subscriptions that are truly helpful and beneficial to university students. Instead of spending all your time on Reddit consuming gossip and media that doesnt improve your knowledge, or make your life better and easier, think about ways to leverage the website’s immense potential to your advantage. Keep the above subreddits for university students in mind, and for all other academic and writing-related matters, reach out to Homework Help Global 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. References: Farrington, R. (2014). “The financial literacy gap costs college graduates thousands.†Forbes. Retrieved from: #7930ac694fb2 Desreumaux, G. (2018). “Sorry Facebook, Reddit is now the Third Most Popular Site in the U.S.†Wersm. Retrieved from: The Best Subreddits for University Students The Best Student Resources on the Internet The Best Student Resources on the Internet The vast majority of students at postsecondary institutions around the world are likely not fully aware of the range of student resources they have at their disposal, both on and off campus. While it is easy to Google queries and find answers to questions on the fly, crafty students understand that there are a wealth of resources on the internet which can, and should be consulted on a regular basis to make university life more manageable and enjoyable. Chances are, too, that if you are a university student you, like most people, are not immune to spending counterproductively large amounts of time on places like Reddit. Luckily, Reddit is not an inherent waste of time. It’s how you use and browse the site that makes all the difference. Below are some of the best subreddits you can subscribe to if you are a university student. Personal finance One of the biggest knowledge gaps in the world that can heavily dictate individual success, across cultures, is the financial literacy gap. Most people, if they are not completely financially illiterate, don’t really know enough to competently manage their personal finances. It’s not their fault. Most societies fail to make it a priority at either the secondary, or postsecondary level. The financial literacy gap, however, isn’t just a matter of forgone knowledge, it can translate into thousands of dollars for university students. If you are in the process of curating your Reddit home page, consider checking out the personal finance subreddit. Personal finance is subscribed to by over 13.5 million people, and contains troves of knowledge about how to make personal financial decisions, big and small. Many of the people commenting and responding to questions are experienced financial services professionals, or people who have already had to ask and answer the same questions in the past. It is a great resource to check up on daily, or even just when you have a finance question you need answered. Eat cheap and healthy Another great student resource on Reddit is the subreddit “Eat Cheap and Healthy.†Part of academic success comes down to how well you look after your mind and body. You can only push yourself so hard on substandard fuel and sleep before your body starts refusing to cooperate. If you know what you are eating is trash and, furthermore, if you are spending too much money on hollow calories (fast food is actually surprisingly expensive), check out this subreddit for meal tips. It might completely revolutionize how you think about eating and shopping while studying. Many people, especially students, are under the impression that university is about sacrificing your eating and dietary standards for four years for the sake of your education. The old familiar trope of university students eating packaged ramen noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is still a popular one. But you can actually eat quite healthily on a budget if you know how to shop and what to make. This subreddit has great information and tips for doing so, and provides a lot of inspiration. Your school’s main or student resources subreddit Reddit has now become the third most popular website in the United States after Google (number 1, obviously), and YouTube. Reddit has real pop-cultural, political, and social influence, meaning that is has become an important part of most businesses and institutions’ online presence. If you go to a big, well-recognized university, and even at many smaller ones, there is a good chance they have their own reddit page. These are another category of good subreddits for students, and often act as supplementary student resources for people wanting to know what is going on around campus. They often contain threads about deals, or offers to be found on campus that might otherwise be poorly advertised, as well as information about events, rallies, protests etc. that are of consequence to student life on campus. It could also function as a way to meet like-minded people. If you find someone talking about something you find interesting, or are having a conversation with a fellow-student and it is engaging and seems to be going well, you can even send them a private message and ask if they’d like to meet for a coffee, or a beer, etc. Your area of study’s subreddit(2) Another great student resource to be found on reddit are subreddits that have to do with your area of study. The subreddit “Engineering,†for instance has 210,000 subscribers. The “Political Science†subreddit has 10,800 subscribers, the “Philosophy†subreddit has 13.5 million subscribers, and the “Ask History†subreddit has 22,900 subscribers. These are just a few examples of discipline-specific subreddits. These kinds of subs are great places to ask people questions (often scholars, or experts), get pointed in the right direction before you start an essay, or find information and inspiration if you are stuck on a topic. Additionally, there are writing services out there that can help you plan, or edit a paper if you feel it needs some extra love and care. If you don’t already have a profile on Reddit, they are anonymous and free to make, and allow you to interact with millions of people from around the world who are a wealth of new information and inspiration. Reddit is definitely one of the most helpful student resources out there. Whether you use Reddit on a regular basis for news and entertainment, or are completely new to the platform, there are so many great subreddits to add to your list of subscriptions that are truly helpful and beneficial to university students. Instead of spending all your time on Reddit consuming gossip and media that doesnt improve your knowledge, or make your life better and easier, think about ways to leverage the website’s immense potential to your advantage. Keep the above subreddits for university students in mind, and for all other academic and writing-related matters, reach out to Homework Help Global 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. References: Farrington, R. (2014). “The financial literacy gap costs college graduates thousands.†Forbes. Retrieved from: #7930ac694fb2 Desreumaux, G. (2018). “Sorry Facebook, Reddit is now the Third Most Popular Site in the U.S.†Wersm. Retrieved from:
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Game Theory and Economic Analyst - 83847 Words
Game Theory and Economic Analysis Game Theory and Economic Analysis presents the wide range of current contributions of game theory to economics. The chapters fall broadly into two categories. Some lay out in a jargon-free manner a particular branch of the theory, the evolution of one of its concepts, or a problem that runs through its development. Others are original pieces of work that are signiï ¬ cant to game theory as a whole. After taking the reader through a concise history of game theory, the contributors discuss such topics as: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ the connections between Von Neumann’s mathematical game theory and the domain assigned to it today since Nash the strategic use of information by game players the problem of†¦show more content†¦DIMAND AND MARY ANN DIMAND 2 Rupture versus continuity in game theory: Nash versus Von Neumann and Morgenstern CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT PART II Theoretical content 3 Bluï ¬â‚¬ and reputation SYLVAIN SORIN 4 An appraisal of cooperative game theory HERVÉ MOULIN 5 The coalition concept in game theory SÉBASTIEN COCHINARD 6 Do Von Neumann and Morgenstern have heterodox followers? CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT  © 1995 Éditions Dalloz English edition: editorial matter and selection  © 2002 Christian Schmidt; individual chapters  © the contributors 7 From specularity to temporality in game theory JEAN-LOUIS RULLIÈRE AND BERNARD WALLISER PART III Applications 8 Collective choice mechanisms and individual incentives CLAUDE D’ASPREMONT AND LOUIS-ANDRÉ GÉRARD-VARET 9 Team models as a framework to analyze coordination problems within the ï ¬ rm JEAN-PIERRE PONSSARD, SÉBASTIEN STEINMETZ, AND HERVÉ TANGUY  © 1995 Éditions Dalloz English edition: editorial matter and selection  © 2002 Christian Schmidt; individual chapters  © the contributors Contributors Sà ©bastien Cochinard. LESOD, University of Laon, France. Claude d’Aspremont. CORE, Catholic University of Louvain, France. Mary Ann Dimand. Albion College, Michigan, USA. Robert W. Dimand. Brock University, Canada. The late Louis-Andrà © Gà ©rard-Varet. Universities of Aix-Marseilles II and III, France. Hervà © Moulin. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mass Media Has A Significant Impact On Gender Roles And...
As a Communication major, I spend a lot of time studying the human communication process, which is the exchange of verbal and nonverbal messages between a receiver and sender. This communication process does not only apply to face-to-face interactions but also includes mass media, rhetorical, and technological communication. Through these various forms of communication, the sender not only expresses his/her message but also expresses power hierarchies about race, gender, and sexuality that are present in society. Mass media has a significant impact on socializing gender roles and perpetuating gender stereotypes, and to prove that, I am analyzing mass media messages, such as television shows, movies, and advertisements. In American society, there is an obvious gender hierarchy in which men are viewed as strong, powerful, and valuable while women are viewed as weak and timid. Women face this challenge every day, and more prominently when they are trying to go against the hierarchy. Regardless of how many social norms or â€Å"power ceilings†that women break, they constantly face messages that perpetuate stereotypes, which reinforces this gender hierarchy. At the same time, men are also facing similar, gender-related pressures. Because men are on the top of the social hierarchy, there is an expectation that they be strong, brave, and confident. This causes an undue burden on the men that are unable to fulfill these gendered expectations. First, I want to explore the stereotypeShow MoreRelatedMedia s Influence On Gender Relations And Sexuality1230 Words  | 5 PagesHistorically, media represented gender and sexuality in the way that matched the dominant public view and mirrors the evolution of gender-related biases and stereotypes and views on sexuality. In the course of time, gender relations and sexuality evolved and changed and all these changes found their reflection in mass media (Bonvillain, 1995, 210). 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Ups Essay Free Essays
UPS Introduction Operations Management is a vital and fundamental key to any successful business. This form of management helps a company become more efficient, effective, and most importantly, customer satisfying. For our groups Business analysis, we studied the operational tools and ideas implemented by United Parcel Service (UPS). We will write a custom essay sample on Ups Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now UPS is the world’s largest package delivery company and is always on the cutting edge of efficient delivery. Within our research of UPS, we studied aspects of facility layout, logistics, and demand management. Along the way we relate what we found with our classes’ operations book. History Now a billion dollar company, UPS had a very humble beginning. In 1907, a young man in Seattle, Washington named James E. Casey borrowed a $100 from a friend to create The American Messenger Company. James, along with his brother and friends, delivered packages, letters, and even food to restaurants locally. Since cars were still limited at this time, the deliveries were made by foot or bicycle. Even though the company was young, it thrived because, â€Å"Jim Casey? s strict policies of customer courtesy, reliability, round-the-clock service, and low rates†(United Parcel Service, 1994-2010). These are the very same principles that the company operated by today. In 1913 technology began to have its place in the company, when they purchased their first car, which was a Model T Ford. They also changed their name from The American Messenger Company to Merchants Parcel Delivery, resulting from a merge with a competing company. The simple name change foreshadowed what the company would be known for from then on. The new name â€Å"reflected a shift in the primary focus of the business from messages to packages†(United Parcel Service, 1994-2010). The company kept purchasing delivery vehicles and finally was able to expand out of Seattle. In 1919, the company once and for all adopted its present name, United Parcel Service, and expanded to Oakland, California. From then on, UPS has grown to be a leading provider of delivery service, and has been on the cutting edge of specialization of the required processes to carry out their services. Facility Layout UPS provides a critical link for many company supply chains. To get products from manufacturer/supplier to customers, companies all around the world use UPS as their â€Å"middle man†for deliveries. To handle such demand, UPS has to be extremely efficient and can’t afford unnecessary costs. One way to cut costs and remain efficient is to have an appropriate facility layout. Once a package has left a local UPS office, they get shipped off to one of the regional air hubs. The busiest and largest UPS air hub is in Louisville, KY. The layout of this extremely vast facility at 550 acres is essential to the flow of parcels and letters through the system. As we learned in class, there are 4 basic types of layout formats: workcenter, assembly line, manufacturing cell, and project layout. Out of these four formats, the UPS air hub mostly resembles an assembly line. An assembly line is defined as â€Å"equipment or work processes arranged according to the progressive steps†(Jacobs, Chase, Aquilano, 2009, p. 221). Even though a product isn’t being assembled, a package flows in a progressive system through the facility getting sorted and filtered out as needed. This process is highly automated using bar codes and scanners to do the necessary sorting. Human hands are only needed for unloading and loading packages onto conveyer belts, and packing pods for the airplanes. Once unloaded from a plane, a package gets loaded on to conveyer belts that total 122 miles. The belt runs the package through scanners and weight scales. The scanner and scale tells the system the type, shape, and weight of the package. After it is scanned, packages get sorted to smalls, parcels, or irregulars. When the package has been sorted by type, machines continue to scan and group them by destination all the way down to zip codes. Because of the high automation of the system, the air hub avoids a key problem a lot of assembly lines run into, assembly line balancing. Assembly line balancing is â€Å"the problem of assigning all the tasks to a series of workstations so that each workstation has no more than can be done†¦. nd so that idle time across all workstations is minimized†(Jacobs, Chase, Aquilano, 2009, p. 228). Since machines can be synced with one another, processes flow in a consistent, calculated manner. Having a facility laid out in this manner allows for high efficiency, because packages are continuously being processed through the system at high speeds and low costs. Demand Management Running such a large company can come with many obstacles and challenges. For a company like UPS, these challenges can come with the need to forecast the projected demand for shipping. UPS has gotten every process it does down to the smallest detail, and is practically a science. They can accurately predict the volume they will be shipping, whether it is daily, weekly, or yearly; sometimes so accurate, the forecast is within a few pieces. When forecasting volume, UPS takes many things into consideration. UPS looks at the previous year’s volume shipped on a certain day, and strangely is very accurate to the volume being shipped on the current day. The bigger companies that ship through UPS tend to ship very consistently, allowing for UPS to be more accurate in their forecast. Taking the past volumes into consideration, logistics and planning people look at how much the city has grown in the past year. They then take the growth percentage and apply it to the previous year’s volume. This method tends to give accurate projections of what the company has in store for them on any given day. Sales of major manufacturers are also taken into account when forecasting. When UPS’s leading shippers, such as Wal-Mart, have these huge sales, UPS can just about guarantee that the volume of packages from that company is going to increase. There is a time of year that everyone at UPS anticipates; that time of year is Peak Season. Let’s just say that every year around the holidays, Santa has been lazy and uses UPS as his major way to ship. The holidays, or peak season, is when UPS realizes its greatest volumes for the year. Demand for its service increases greatly, beginning right before what we call â€Å"Black Friday†. Every year before peak season, materials such as empty pods, are sent to the bigger air hubs because of the increased demand. Plane scheduling is also revised; bigger planes are sent to the bigger cities with busier routes, while smaller planes are sent to places that aren’t as big but with increased frequency of arrivals. Also, people are hired seasonally to help deal with the increased workload. After the Christmas season, things begin returning to normal, but UPS always has a sure bet that they will always have great business around that time. Not always is the demand for shipping as high as peak season, it tends to decrease at certain times of the year. UPS has implemented many solutions to try to deal with this decreased demand. In one program, UPS encourages its employees to actively go out and â€Å"recruit†potential customers. Whether it is a family member who owns a business, or a store who currently uses FedEx, the employees are asked to go out and aggressively take business away from competition. When a sales lead is given to management, a professional sales person is sent out to the business interested, and goes over options and different pricing discounts UPS can offer. If the potential lead indeed becomes a new customer, the original employee who gave the lead is given a percentage of the sale from every package ship. This is an incentive UPS gives for their employees to actively go out there and create demand for the company. How to cite Ups Essay, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The Instructor Said free essay sample
The Instructor said, Go home and write, a page tonight, and let that page come out of you, Then it will be true. Langston Hughes The world is in a state of racial confusion. Being Black is hard being part White even harder. You may say that you understand and think that you do but you cant. My history defines who I am my joy, my pain, my fears, my sacrifices, my triumphs ME. And we dont share the same history. Being Black I have to overcome many things: all the hate all the hurt the present. Free your mind they say end the hate. But how? when it is sometimes a part of who I have become my only defense against the distress of not being accepted for I am But Why? when our society thrives on ignorance and supports the construction of the walls that separate us. We will write a custom essay sample on The Instructor Said or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Because Hate destroys the ones who hate and we must all survive. Being a teenager is hard. I try to figure out who I am and Who I want to be. Its like looking in the mirror one day and not recognizing The person I see. it is not easy to know what is true for you and me. Because I am still trying to figure out what the Truth really is. Sometimes you may not agree with what I say, Who I am or what I think sometimes I care. But arent we all striving for the same goal? To just be who we are whoever that may be. And do what we want whatever that is. Who knows? Maybe on our journey through life (together) we will discover what it really means to be you and me.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Discussion on the Film A Beautiful Mind
Discussion on the Film A Beautiful Mind Introduction The movie, A Beautiful Mind, is a thought provoking film that makes one consider what it is that truly makes a genius, how far the human mind drive us to the heights of intelligence or the bottom of despair and finally makes one consider what it truly means to overcome adversity to rise and be recognized.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Discussion on the Film A Beautiful Mind specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Scenes in the movie such as Russell Crowes paranoid delusions, his incarceration in a mental asylum, his recovery and subsequent accomplishment of winning a Nobel peace prize are all scenes which highlight the sheer emotional quality evident in the way in which the movie attempts to portray the life of John Nash. The scenes invoke such joy, sadness and excitement in various instances that one cannot help but feel a distinct degree of emotional attachment to the character of Nash making the film that much more vivid to both watch and remember. Overall, the story quality combined with the plot film gives the movie a timeless quality that even a dozen repetitive viewings fail to tarnish due to the sheer strength of the emotions it captures and relays to viewers. While watching the film one cannot help but notice the touching and evocative film score that perfectly relays the emotions of the characters further strengthening the emotional connection between the film and its viewers. The film score is neither dramatic nor is too soft rather it is has a smooth tonal quality to it that draws people in, invokes a sense of nostalgia, wonderment and a sense of sorrow. The score has a steady melody wherein the sound of violins combines with smooth bass tones to create an environment that doesnt invoke excitement but rather a prolonged sense of contemplation. It music in the movie is almost entirely geared towards calm consideration and speaks highly of the skills of the composer in creatin g such a distinctive sound that people cannot help but think of both the good and bad that has happened in their lives and how they have helped to shape who they are at the present. The background of the movie isnt what one would normally consider exciting or for that matter overly interesting, rather, the setting itself seems to have been chosen for the way in which it closely resembles what an average person would see on a daily basis. This is an important point to consider since it provides an impetus for audiences to consider how they themselves could be placed in the exact same situation due to the similarity in settings. It makes people consider how they would react to the Nashs situation if they were in his shoes, if they would succeed the way he had done or if they could endure the same amount of emotional turmoil as what he endured. The background in the film doesnt overwhelm the characters in the story, rather, its muted quality helps to bring out the emotions, pain and an guish for the viewers to see and experience.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When watching the film one cannot help but notice the sheer acting talent of Russell Crowe in his portrayal of Nash. From Nashs eccentricities, brilliance all the way down to the paranoid delusions and schizophrenia everything is perfectly portrayed by Crowe. Scenes such as Nashs animated talks in the University, his portrayal as being crazy and his subsequent incarceration and the penultimate scene where he finally receives his Nobel peace prize display such power and acting talent that one cannot help but think that Crowe is John Nash. Crowe did an excellent job in portraying the anguish of a person that is realizing that his mind that is his greatest gift has now become his worst enemy. The slow deterioration, the emotional suffering and the fear of losing ones brilliance is perfectly captur ed by Crowe and this in itself is transferred to viewers which makes them pause and consider what it truly means to be brilliant, what is necessary to rise to the heights of academic accomplishment and what it truly means to lose something that makes you what you are today. The movie itself is set in the mid to late 1900s due to the events of the movie taking place during this time. Overall, it can be stated that this particular setting is rather interesting to take note of since it displays a time where not only are social behaviors different but the way in which mental illnesses are looked upon are vastly different as well. One of the most thought provoking scenes in the movie is the instance where Nash is sent to an insane asylum and subject to treatments such as electroshock therapy, mind numbing medications and an assortment of other practices that seem brutal by todays standards. It is this particular setting that helps audiences consider what it meant to be different during t his particular time in Americas history and as such helps to further strengthen the appeal of audiences to the case of John Nash. Lastly, it must be mentioned that the films overall cinematography lend its storyline a very distinct flow. It non-linear method of telling a story helps the scenes to blend into to each other creating a rather riveting story progression. The film doesnt seem hurried or overly slow rather it tells the story of the life of John Nash at a plodding pace. It is slow and deliberate in the way in which the scenes progress and as such gives time for viewers to examine different aspects of the film while truly enjoying the various emotional scenes the movie has. Work Cited Crowe, Rusell, Perf. A Beautiful Mind. Dir. Ron Howard. Universal Studios, 2001. Film.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Discussion on the Film A Beautiful Mind specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More
Monday, March 2, 2020
Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd U.S. President
Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd U.S. President President Franklin D. Roosevelt (January 30, 1882–April 12, 1945) led the United States during the Great Depression and World War II. Paralyzed from the waist down after suffering a bout of polio, Roosevelt overcame his disability and was elected president of the United States an unprecedented four times. Fast Facts: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Known For: Served four terms as president of the United States during the Great Depression and World War IIAlso Known As: FDRBorn: January 30, 1882 in Hyde Park, New YorkParents: James Roosevelt and Sara Ann DelanoDied: April 12, 1945 in Warm Springs, GeorgiaEducation: Harvard University and Columbia University Law SchoolSpouse: Eleanor RooseveltChildren: Anna, James, Elliott, Franklin, JohnNotable Quote: â€Å"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.†Early Years Franklin D. Roosevelt was born on January 30, 1882, at his familys estate, Springwood, in Hyde Park, New York, as the only child of his wealthy parents, James Roosevelt and Sara Ann Delano. James Roosevelt, who had been married once before and had a son (James Roosevelt Jr.) from his first marriage, was an elderly father (he was 53 when Franklin was born). Franklins mother Sara was only 27 when he was born and doted on her only child. Until she died in 1941 (just four years before Franklins death), Sara played a very influential role in her sons life, a role that some describe as controlling and possessive. Franklin D. Roosevelt spent his early years at his family home in Hyde Park. Since he was tutored at home and traveled extensively with his family, Roosevelt did not spend much time with others his age. In 1896 at age 14, Roosevelt was sent for his first formal schooling at the Groton School, a prestigious preparatory boarding school in Groton, Massachusetts. While there, Roosevelt was an average student. College and Marriage Roosevelt entered Harvard University in 1900. Only a few months into his first year, his father died. During his college years, Roosevelt became very active with the school newspaper, The Harvard Crimson, and became its managing editor in 1903. That same year, Roosevelt got engaged to his fifth cousin once removed, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (Roosevelt was her maiden name as well as her married one). Franklin and Eleanor were married two years later, on St. Patricks Day, March 17, 1905. Over the next 11 years, they had six children, although only five lived past infancy. Early Political Career In 1905, Franklin D. Roosevelt entered Columbia Law School but left once he passed the New York State Bar exam in 1907. He worked for a few years in the New York law firm of Carter, Ledyard, and Milburn. He was asked in 1910 to run as a Democrat for the State Senate seat from Duchess County, New York. Although Roosevelt had grown up in Duchess County, the seat had long been held by Republicans. Despite the odds against him, Roosevelt won the Senate seat in 1910 and then again in 1912. Roosevelts career as a state senator was cut short in 1913 when he was appointed by President Woodrow Wilson as the assistant secretary of the Navy. This position became even more important when the United States began making preparations to join in World War I. Franklin D. Roosevelt Runs for Vice President Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted to rise in politics like his fifth cousin (and Eleanors uncle), President Theodore Roosevelt. Even though Franklin D. Roosevelts political career looked very promising, however, he did not win every election. In 1920, Roosevelt was chosen as the vice presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket with James M. Cox. FDR and Cox lost the election. Having lost, Roosevelt decided to take a short break from politics and re-enter the business world. Just a few months later, Roosevelt got sick. Polio Strikes In the summer of 1921, Franklin D. Roosevelt and his family took a vacation to their summer home on Campobello Island, off the coast of Maine and New Brunswick, Canada. On August 10, 1921, after a day spent outdoors, Roosevelt began to feel weak. He went to bed early but woke up the next day much worse, with a high fever and with weakness in his legs. By August 12, 1921, he could no longer stand. Eleanor called a number of doctors to come and see FDR, but it wasnt until August 25 that Dr. Robert Lovett diagnosed him with poliomyelitis (i.e. polio). Before the vaccine was created in 1955, polio was an unfortunately common virus that, in its most severe form, could cause paralysis. At age 39, Roosevelt had lost the use of both of his legs. (In 2003, researchers decided it was likely that Roosevelt had Guillain-Barre syndrome rather than polio.) Roosevelt refused to be limited by his disability. To overcome his lack of mobility, Roosevelt had steel leg braces created that could be locked into an upright position to keep his legs straight. With the leg braces on under his clothes, Roosevelt could stand and slowly walk with the aid of crutches and a friends arm. Without the use of his legs, Roosevelt needed extra strength in his upper torso and arms. By swimming nearly every day, Roosevelt could move in and out of his wheelchair as well as up stairs. Roosevelt even had his car adapted to his disability by installing hand controls rather than foot pedals so that he could sit behind the wheel and drive. Despite the paralysis, Roosevelt kept his humor and charisma. Unfortunately, he also still had pain. Always looking for ways to soothe his discomfort, Roosevelt found a health spa in 1924 that seemed to be one of the very few things that could ease his pain. Roosevelt found such comfort there that in 1926 he bought it. At this spa in Warm Springs, Georgia, Roosevelt subsequently built a house (known as the Little White House) and established a polio treatment center to help other polio patients. Governor of New York In 1928, Franklin D. Roosevelt was asked to run for governor of New York. While he wanted back into politics, FDR had to determine whether or not his body was strong enough to withstand a gubernatorial campaign. In the end, he decided he could do it. Roosevelt won the election in 1928 for governor of New York and then won again in 1930. Franklin D. Roosevelt was now following a similar political path as his distant cousin, President Theodore Roosevelt, from the assistant secretary of the navy to governor of New York to the president of the United States. Underwood Archives / Getty Images Four-Term President During Roosevelts tenure as governor of New York, the Great Depression hit the United States. As average citizens lost their savings and their jobs, people became increasingly infuriated at the limited steps President Herbert Hoover was taking to solve this huge economic crisis. In the election of 1932, citizens were demanding change and FDR promised it to them. In a landslide election, Franklin D. Roosevelt won the presidency. Before FDR became president, there was no limit to the number of terms a person could serve in the office. Up to this point, most presidents had limited themselves to serving a maximum of two terms, as set by the example of George Washington. However, in the time of need caused by the Great Depression and World War II, the people of the United States elected Franklin D. Roosevelt as president of the United States four consecutive times. Partly because of FDRs long stint as president, Congress created the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution which limited future presidents to a maximum of two terms (ratified in 1951). Roosevelt spent his first two terms as president taking steps to ease the U.S. out of the Great Depression. The first three months of his presidency were a whirlwind of activity, which has become known as the first hundred days. The New Deal that FDR offered to the American people began immediately after he took office. Within his first week, Roosevelt had declared a banking holiday in order to strengthen the banks and reestablish confidence in the banking system. FDR also quickly created the alphabet agencies (such as the AAA, CCC, FERA, TVA, and TWA) to help offer relief. On March 12, 1933, Roosevelt addressed the American people via the radio in what became the first of his presidential fireside chats. Roosevelt used these radio speeches to communicate with the public in order to instill confidence in the government and to calm citizens fears and worries. FDRs policies helped lessen the severity of the Great Depression but it did not solve it. It wasnt until World War II that the U.S. was finally out of the depression. Once World War II began in Europe, Roosevelt ordered an increased production of war machinery and supplies. When Pearl Harbor on Hawaii was attacked on December 7, 1941, Roosevelt answered the attack with his a date which will live in infamy speech and a formal declaration of war. FDR led the United States during World War II and was one of the Big Three (Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin) that led the Allies. In 1944, Roosevelt won his fourth presidential election; however, he did not live to finish it. Death On April 12, 1945, Roosevelt was sitting in a chair at his home in Warm Springs, Georgia, having his portrait painted by Elizabeth Shoumatoff, when he stated I have a terrific headache and then lost consciousness. He had suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage at 1:15 p.m. Franklin D. Roosevelt was pronounced dead at 3:35 p.m. at age 63. Roosevelt, having led the United States during both the Great Depression and World War II, died less than one month before the end of the war in Europe. He was buried at his family home in Hyde Park. Legacy Roosevelt is often listed among the greatest presidents of the United States. A leader who guided the United States out of isolationism and into victory during World War II, he also created a New Deal that paved the path for an array of services to support Americas workers and poor. Roosevelt was also a major figure in the work that led to the creation of the League of Nations and, in later years, the United Nations. Sources â€Å"Franklin D. Roosevelt.†The White House, The United States Government.ï » ¿Freidel, Frank. â€Å"Franklin D. Roosevelt.†Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 26 Jan. 2019.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Theories of management (learning diary) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Theories of management (learning diary) - Essay Example Through this session, a deeper understanding of reasons why leadership and management are so closely related has been obtained by studying the trend of evolution of leadership concept with respect to management. Most of these theories have been based on different attributes of leaders, which made scholars define leadership and theorists theorize the concept of leadership. When these attributes no longer seemed to exist and/or situations had changed, the contingency theory of leadership emerged based on incidents and changing nature of management and demands. A concise view of leadership from emerging contemporary perspectives of management further throws light on how leaders are made and what makes leaders emerge. different viewpoints and ideologies. In general, it can be explained in relative terms based on the qualities and skills possessed, and situations. The underlying essence of leadership is to guide others and set new directions to achieve a goal or accomplish a task. The present leadership philosophy is an outcome of great leaders’ achievements of past. The leaders of past were not involved in management, but were able to direct, guide and mobilize people systematically for achievement of a common cause. Most of such known leaders from history are remembered even today, for example, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi to name a few, were leaders who changed the world through their principles based on humanity and spirituality. On the contrary, Adolf Hitler is also counted among the leaders of the world known for his able administration and creation of strong military regime that was able to devastate the entire world. These perspectives could be the precursors of development of different leadership concepts. the first to define leadership based on management functions including planning, organising, leading and controlling.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
MGT5780 Final Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
MGT5780 Final Exam - Assignment Example In addition, there is no formal training program for project managers. In most cases, they learn from experiences and failures in management of projects. As such, there is little known about project management. This makes the profession lack people who have the dream to be part of it. The managers, therefore, accidentally become part of the project and later a project manager with only the ad hoc training. Since project management is necessary, measures should be made to reflect this importance in how companies handle project management as a profession (Meredith & Mantel, 2012). Figure 2 represents the types of managers and how they are affected by politics. I would place myself in the category of politically sensible project manager. Politics is important in life as they are in the project. It is through the politics that projects that favor the community are established funded and supported. To further the goals of the project, politic consciousness is a necessity. This does not however mean dependent on politics or taking advantage of politics (Meredith & Mantel, 2012). Project management can be ruined by poor politics and in some cases, political figures may seem to support projects that favor their course without regard to the project objectives. Overdependence on politics, therefore, makes the politicians use a project as a vehicle to realize personal goals after which they abandon the project. Of the 12 guidelines proposed in the case study, those that can be said to be related to the need to understand the reasons for a project are; understanding the context of a project, understanding the needs of all the project stakeholders, understanding the meaning of success in the context of the project and remembering what you are trying to achieve. This is a crucial category of guidelines as they help the project manager to establish a course to follow and objectives to meet in the course (Meredith & Mantel, 2012). In
Friday, January 24, 2020
The significance of the title The Awakening :: essays research papers
In comparison to other works such as Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn wherein the title succinctly tells what the story shall contain, Kate Chopin’s The Awakening represents a work whose title can only be fully understood after the incorporation of the themes and content into the reader’s mind, which can only be incorporated by reading the novel itself. The title, The Awakening, paints a vague mental picture for the reader at first and does not fully portray what content the novel will possess. After thorough reading of the novel, one can understand that the title represents the main character, Edna Pontellier’s, sexual awakening and metaphorical resurrection that takes place in the plot as opposed to not having a clue on what the plot will be about. Edna Pontellier first faces a form of awakening when she encounters another character that plays a musical instrument. As the musician plays, the crowd reacts nonchalantly and for the most part disregards it as just another performance with the exception of Mrs. Pontellier whom breaks out into tears due to the vivid imagery that the music brings into her mind. The musician responds to Mrs. Pontellier by telling her that she is the only one who truly speaks her language. This form of awakening brings about one of the themes in the novel in that as a person learns to begin to express themselves, they find that there is a lesser concentration of people who can understand the way that one expresses themselves. This becomes of greater relevance as Edna begins to express herself through the use of her artwork. The sexual aspect of Edna’s awakening is formed through her relationship with a supporting character, Robert LeBrun. In the beginning of the novel, Robert assigns himself to become the helper of Mrs. Pontellier and his advances help to crack the barrier in which Edna is placed in due to her role as a woman of the Victorian era. Her feelings begin to manifest themselves as she intends to liberate herself from her husband and run away with Robert. He on the other hand has no intention of having a sexual affair because of the role placed upon him as a man of the Victorian era which is not to destroy families. Her quest for complete independence ultimately brings her to committing suicide at the end of the story. Her suicide does not represent a disappointment in how she cannot conform to the society around her but a final awakening and symbol for her liberation.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Key Qualities of a Successful Entrepreneur Essay
Being an entrepreneur is about more than just starting a business or two, it is about having attitude and the drive to succeed in business. All successful Entrepreneurs have a similar way of thinking and posses several key personal qualities that make them so successful in business. Successful entrepreneurs like the ambitious Richard Branson have an inner drive to succeed and grow their business, rather than having a Harvard Business degree or technical knowledge in a particular field.All successful entrepreneurs have the following qualities:Inner Drive to SucceedEntrepreneurs are driven to succeed and expand their business. They see the bigger picture and are often very ambitious. Entrepreneurs set massive goals for themselves and stay committed to achieving them regardless of the obstacles that get in the way. Strong Belief in themselvesSuccessful entrepreneurs have a healthy opinion of themselves and often have a strong and assertive personality. They are focused and determined to achieve their goals and believe completely in their ability to achieve them. Their self optimism can often been seen by others as flamboyance or arrogance but entrepreneurs are just too focused to spend too much time thinking about un-constructive criticism. Search for New Ideas and InnovationAll entrepreneurs have a passionate desire to do things better and to improve their products or service. They are constantly looking for ways to improve. They‘re creative, innovative and resourceful.Openness to ChangeIf something is not working for them they simply change. Entrepreneurs know the importance of keeping on top of their industry and the only way to being number one is to evolve and change with the times. They‘re up to date with the latest technology or service techniques and are always ready to change if they see a new opportunity arise.www.woopidoo.comCompetitive by NatureSuccessful entrepreneurs thrive on competition. The only way to reach their goals and live up to their self imposed high standards is to compete with other successful businesses. Highly Motivated and EnergeticEntrepreneurs are always on the move, full of energy and highly motivated. They are driven to succeed and have an abundance of self motivation. The high standards and ambition of many entrepreneurs demand that they have to be motivated!Accepting of Constructive Criticism and RejectionInnovative entrepreneurs are often at the forefront of their industry so they hear the words †it can‘t be done†quite a bit. They readjust their path if the criticism is constructive and useful to their overall plan, otherwise they will simply disregard the comments as pessimism. Also, the best entrepreneurs know that rejection and obstacles are a part of any leading business and they deal with them appropriately.True entrepreneurs are resourceful, passionate and driven to succeed and improve. They‘re pioneers and are comfortable fighting on the frontline The great ones are ready to be laughed at and criticized in the beginning because they can see their path ahead and are too busy working towards their dream.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Bisiness - 730 Words
Target market #1 Food wholesalers [pic] fairway market Fairway market locates in British Columbia. They have stores at Victoria which is the 15th largest metropolitan region in Canada. The produce department offers the best variety and quality of organic foods. Today’s customers are focused on buying local whenever possible. At Fairway Markets, They are proud to be the conduit to bring local and international agriculture to customers neighborhood via their stores. (Fairway market) PPL is an international company, they produce premium and organic pistachios witch fits the requirements of fairway market. In terms of the products they offer, PPL has highly potential to get the shelf space in fairway market. [pic] Longo Longo†¦show more content†¦Hence, PPL can provide the products that satisfy the needs of whole foods market. Target market #2 Sporting Venues ââ€" Commonwealth Stadium ââ€" Rogers Centre Rogers centre locates in Toronto. Its capacity is 53,506. It is one of the most dynamic and versatile entertainment centres in the world. So far, rogers centre has achieved the highest honours in the stadium entertainment industry and is a leader in corporate environmental responsibility. (Rogers Centre) As a premium stadium, the quality of foods they sell are also high-end. In the meantime, rogers centre is associated with environment protection. Pistachios are high quality nuts, and its shells can be recycled. Hence, PPL has advantages to build business relationship with rogers centre. And once they agree to sell it, the amount will be large. ââ€" BC place BC place is built in Vancouver. It has 54,320 capacity. Meanwhile, the facilities are going to be improved and renewed which will be more efficient and save more energy. BC place also pursue greener day-to-day operations. They are developing an integrated waste management program to reduce waste and expand recycling. (BC place) In terms of their become green policy, the products they sell should also be green. PPL has the best quality of pistachios which are environment friendly. Therefore, BC place will be their potential client. And they will have large quantity demanded. Points of differenceShow MoreRelatedPublic Administrator Restrictions Essay669 Words  | 3 Pagesthe service delivery to react in a timely and efficient manner. Public management today would seem to favor a more decentralized type of administration. Delegation of discretion and empowering of employees has made customers expect a more flexible bisiness transaction for their goods and services. The use of the current market to assess the effectiveness of competition and customer service can help to improve performance. Allowing a more decentralized approach may also achieve accountability throughRead MoreSigm An Information Technology1311 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Gantt charts for timelines. †¢ It s comfortable with the tools which is company already use: Excel exports use this tool for calculation purpose. †¢ Low monthly subscription pricing: There are a different plans available for suit your different bisiness. Access and equity Read MoreWestern Managers And Chinese Managers Essay1729 Words  | 7 Pagessome day? Explain. If given a chance, I would be excited to go on a foreign assignment for the below reasons: †¢ It is recognized as a good career move, as Kreitner Kinicki (2013, p.90) wrote that global managers who have conducted cross cultural bisiness would have an advantage in the new global economy. †¢ On a personal front, it will also be an eye opener and make us more aware of the similarity of all people in the world among many outward differences. Summary As the case mentioned, â€Å"AnyoneRead MoreWhat Are Organizational Change And Organisational Change Management?3027 Words  | 13 Pagesable to handle modify. Be mindful of individuals pros and cons. Not everyone welcomes modify. Take plenty of a chance to comprehend the individuals you are working with, and how and why they experience like they do, before you take action. 5. BISINESS DEVELOPMENT AND DRIVEN CHANGE Business development possibly includes everything involved with the high company s company or the company. Business development preparing first needs developing the company development is designed, and then formulatingRead MoreYoox Group Analysis4005 Words  | 17 PagesReference: Forrester Research Publications by Marilena Antonini Reconfiguring the fashion bisiness: the Yoox virtual boutique case study, by Resca and D’Atri, LUISS University †© Read MoreResearch Proposal. Affecting Customers Loyalty.5045 Words  | 21 Pagessatisfied Customers Defect†. – Harward Business Review, 1995, Vol. 73, Issue 6, pp. 88-93. 28. Lattin, J. M. â€Å"A model of Balances Choice Behaviour†. – Marketing Science, 1987, Vol. 6, No. 1. pp. 48-65. 29. Lewitt, T. â€Å"After the sale is over†¦Ã¢â‚¬ - Harward Bisiness Review, September 1983, pp.87-93. 30. Lovelock, C. H. (1984). Positioning The Service Organization in the Marketplace. Services Marketing. New Yersey, Prentice-Hall. 31. McConnell, D. J. â€Å"The Development of Brand Loyalty: An Experimental Study†.Read MoreProject Report on Amul7071 Words  | 29 Pagesreport for Gujrat Co-operative Milk Marketing federation Ltd. It has been an enriching experience for me to undergo my summer training at AMUL, which would not have possible without the goodwill and support of the people around. As a student of COSMIC BISINESS SCHOOL. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those who helped me during my practical training programme. I would like to give my heartily thanks to all the employees working at GCMMF DELHI MMO who provide me the knowledge of accounting
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